The Kemmerer2017 Survey is the most comprehensive survey of sexual harassment and sex discrimination in the animal advocacy movement. This survey has been gathering information about experiences with harassment and discrimination from those working or volunteering with non-profit organizations engaged in advocacy for animals and the promotion of plant-based diets.
This data is being collected and written up by a long-term anymal liberationist, scholar and author Dr. Lisa Kemmerer in preparation for her book Oppressive Liberation, forthcoming from Routledge (2021).
In the wake of the #MeToo Movement and in light of #TimesUpAR, this book first creates a backdrop of interconnections and exposes a more general problem with sexism and male privilege in social justice activism, then examines sexism and male privilege among anymal activists, delineating harms caused and possible solutions to this movement-wide phenomenon.
The survey takes about 20 minutes and participants are anonymous. It is designed to record harassment and discrimination and provides room for write-in responses to provide details of incidents witnessed or experienced.
If you are uncertain whether you may have been subjected to harassment or discrimination, we encourage you to take the survey anyway; we will be asking specific questions in order to understand your experiences as best we can. Although most questions are multiple-choice, there will also be space for you to elaborate on any aspects of your narrative in your own words.
This is a final call for animal activists to take the survey.
Please follow this link to take part:
Banner Image: Maria Gonzalez with a hen during an open rescue with Igualdad Animal, Spain, 2009. Jo-Ann McArthur/ We Animals