Deconstructing Sexist Oppression in the Animal Rights Movement
An Interview with Meghana Rajanahally Meghana Rajanahally is a Toronto-area activist in the feminist, animal rights and environmental movements. She...
Meghana Rajanahally was born in India, and became a citizen of Aotearoa while researching climate change in the Antarctic as a marine biologist. She now lives on the unceded territories of the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation, Anishnawbe, Haudenosaunee and Wendat nations, and works as an intersectional social justice activist with a particular focus on BIPOC and feminist inclusion in movements.
An Interview with Meghana Rajanahally Meghana Rajanahally is a Toronto-area activist in the feminist, animal rights and environmental movements. She...
Editor and Publisher:
Michael John Addario
© 2018 Animal Liberation Currents